Image courtesy of To a Heftier at Unsplash

Mercury retrograde season is upon us again, and across the internet I can hear the moans of despair and the sighs that all forms of communication and writing are doomed for the foreseeable future. If, like me, you dread these periods, Tess Whitehurst has a challenge to help you overcome your fears.

Over on her website, Tess has issued “The 25 Day Mercury Retrograde Challenge”, an almost month-long series of mini challenges that help you to harness the energies of this time and make the most of them. Plotted out to make the most of the particular day and moon phase, these small workings strive to make a dreaded time in the Pagan community into one of growth and self-care.

Challenges vary in intensity, from lighting a white candle to center your thoughts, all the way up to cleaning your mode of transportation or deleting all your old emails (I don’t know about you, but mine number in the low thousands!). Don’t worry about the challenges getting gradually harder as the month goes by; potentially difficult challenges are spread out and have more soothing ones padded between them.

Tess Whitehurst is experienced in taking magic, difficult situations, and complex human emotions, and transforming them all into a potent blend of self-help and magical practice. Of her numerous books, some of my favorites have been “You Are Magical”, “Magical Fashionista”, and “Magical Housekeeping”. Her new book, “The Self-Love Superpower”, which is due out in September 2021, is likely to be just as affirming and full of uplifting, practical support for those of us who get bogged down by all that life can throw at us.

Her retrograde challenge has already begun, and you can follow along by following Tess on her Twitter feed, Instagram, or just on the website itself.

[Written by Ashley Nicole Hunter.]